Sunday, March 20, 2005

Happy Birthday!

It's my roommate's birthday, so Happy Birthday, Amanda!

I swore I'd never have another roommate, but I also swear that this was one of the best moves I've ever made. We grew up together, even though I'm 10 years older, and share so much that it's almost impossible to remember when we weren't in each other's lives. Our family is a bit odd, to say the least, and we are the two who have bonded and been able to maintain some semblance of sanity through it all. Inspite of, or maybe because of, the fact that we are the two who are so outside the norm of our family.

I love you and I will forever be grateful for this experience and the opportunity to become even closer to you. I wish I could do more for the occasion but I know you understand my circumstances. Next year . . .

Happy Birthday.


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