Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I like crap reality tv like The Real Gilligan's Island, Survivor, etc. Not all of it, but some of it cracks me up.

I like erotica. Not hard core, but soft core. Gives me something to look forward to in life.

I am a reformed slut. I wonder lately, though, if being a current slut might be preferable.

I am a slob. Truly. I can let my abode go until it's almost unliveable, but when I do clean, it's like a hospital in here.

My feet stink. They sweat like holy hell. Only Dr. Schollls foot spray is the answer.

And I smoke and drink too much. No answer for those, I'm afraid, unless I stop one or the other or both. Both of which will be stopped eventually. But not just yet. A girl has to have some fun somehow.


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