Friday, August 12, 2005

Update - because people have been bugging me about it

So I came home the other day and found, to my horror, a notice posted on our door. It was a 30 day notice of lease termination. Shock!

Oh, but it was for the people upstairs, and the sheriff's department posted it on the wrong door. So I took it off our door, and put it on theirs. Now, I'm sure if the people upstairs were legally savvy, they'd be able to protest this on procedural grounds and win, but I doubt they know enough to do that.

I'm just so chuffed that they'll be moving. They are SO noisy - sounds like a herd of elephants stomping around up there! Maybe we should have chosen the upstairs apartment after all. Oh, well.

Job is going well, but after working 19 days in a row, enough was enough and so I'm taking a sickie today. At least I was responsible enough to wait until after the major hearing yesterday.

Very good friend has finally got a job that he's been holding out for for a year and half, so I'm very happy about that, too.

Oh, and my job is talking about sending me to Mississippi for the trial. Now, surely they wouldn't do that for just a temp? And they're scheduling training on a certain software package that I need to do litigation work. Again, surely they wouldn't do that just for a temp? Surely they're looking to hire me. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

Haven't seen Bus Stop Guy in a week or so. Maybe he's on holiday, or working different hours now. The bus rides are boring now. Ho hum.

Yeah, that's about it. I have other ideas to write about, but need to flesh them out.

Oh, and you'll be seeing a blogring link on here soon, so stay tuned.


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