Thursday, June 30, 2005

alright, alright, alright

I know I should get at least one more post in before this half of the year is over.

At this point in the year, we inevitably find ourselves asking what we've accomplished so far. And we inevitably find ourselves thinking, not a whole helluva lot. That is where I find myself now.


I've moved house into a place I like, although it's not without its faults, and I want to stay here until I leave this area.

I've acquired a roommate, which would normally be a bad thing, but it's my cousin/little brother/younger sister and we are becoming closer than ever. Not to say that we don't have our spats, but on the whole it's been a great experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I've been fired from a job I hated and am now temping (since February, mind you) in a law firm that I actually like and am learning new things among the drudgery.

I've been on a great vacation to two fantastic new cities, one of which I fell in love with and hope to move to in the next year or two.

I've lost 20 lbs.

I've been more exposed to a whole new subculture here and I love it, in spite of all its faults.

I've become closer with some people, and lost touch with others. Hopefully that last part can be corrected soon.

I've learned to fix simple household problems myself.

I got a new used laptop and managed to load all kinds of programs on it myself and use it without (many) hitches.

I haven't quit smoking, or drinking, or started a real exercise program, or gotten a full-time permanent job, but on the whole, I think I'm ahead of where I thought I'd be back when I lost all hope.

I hope you are, too. Cheers.


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