Friday, March 17, 2006

Innocence lost

A very dear internet acquaintance posted recently about her experience breastfeeding her newborn son. While the experience seemed quite lovely overall, one thing did stick out. Quite literally. She realized while looking down (lovingly, I'm sure) at her son feeding that she had a white hair growing out of her nipple. What amused me was that she wasn't shocked at the fact that there was a hair there, just that it was white and this made her feel old.

Sadly, I have to report that this morning, while towelling off after my morning shower, I happened to look at my nipples and I was shocked to find that I, too, have a hair growing out of each nipple.

Look, I know weird things happen to our bodies as we get older. I've dealt with weight gain and loss (and gain and loss and gain), stretch marks, surgery scars, eye lens replacement due to cataracts, bifocal vision, increased growth of hair on my legs and bikini area, the occasional hair on my chin, out of a mole, and one on my upper lip, hair in my nose, and most recently back strain, bursitis in my hip, and the onset of rheumatoid arthritis in my hands.

But I have to say, I think I've really gone over the edge with the nipple hairs. I do not want anybody flossing there!

Can't I just turn back time a little? Please? Just 5 years, that's all. It's really not too much to ask, is it?


Blogger TessaJ said...

Oh, I've had a couple of those for years now. But it is shocking the first time you see one. (But it's not a white nipple hair; that would totally freak me out, almost as much as finding a baby attached to the twins.)

3:07 PM  
Blogger chimera said...

I sympathize. The day I found a white pubic hair was traumatic for me.

5:11 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

my nipples are hairless. they are changing with age though. getting older is scary.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, you mean I have just about two years to go before I start sprouting hair from my nipples? You know you're getting old when the grooming routine keeps getting longer. (the worst of course, is when you start needing reading-glasses to pluck your eyebrows, as my mum does. lol)

Love, bella

ps finally realised you had a blog by Jo's link

5:17 PM  

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