Saturday, March 11, 2006

What a difference a day makes

Or two or so.

No heavy wool coat with fur collar. No coat at all, in fact. No gloves. No socks even! A nice, casual stroll to the bus stop, even though I was late, instead of the usual speedwalk race to promote warmth. Drinking in the sun. Windows open as the bus meanders along (ok, speeds on the way home, thanks to the kamikaze bus driver).

It's brighter, surely. Yes, that's the same sun as 3 days ago, but it's light years closer, isn't it? Everyone is in a better mood, smiling, walking jauntily along. The sounds seem livelier. It all seems slightly surreal, like I'm in a different place.

Maybe that's why I'm completely unmotivated to clean the cat litter and the rest of the apartment.

The really sad part is that I know this isn't spring. Not yet. This is the Annual Spring Tease, those 2 or 3 days we get every year at the end of winter when spring is dangled in front of us like a feathery toy to a cat. We paw at it, sometimes we can get a claw into it and we can make it stand still for just a little bit, but inevitably it eludes us for a while longer and we are left with the freezing winds that are the death throes of winter.

For now, I'm going to enjoy the sun, having the windows open, hearing the birds singing, the traffic sounds more clearly, the loudspeaker announcements from the car dealer just across the alley, the natives screaming ebonics to each other . . . aaahhhh, look at everything there is to look forward to.

Guess I should at least clean the cat litter first, though, before they really start to take offense and do something naughty that would ruin such a nice day.


Blogger chimera said...

ah yes, the spring tease... I know it well. And am still waiting for this year's ! Today was COLD. I've had enough of winter, damn it.

3:41 PM  
Blogger TessaJ said...

I hate the spring tease -- we actually had it a month ago, after some really bad rain, and someone said to me, "Oh, we won't have anymore rain."'s been raining now for two weeks! Just when you think the rain is over, you get pelted with it again! And again. And again.

5:39 PM  

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