Monday, March 13, 2006

It's happening

I feel it. It beckons me, calling to me softly but insistently . . . ever since I heard about it, it has lodged itself in the back of my mind (taking over the space formerly occupied by booze-soaked brain cells, but that's a story for later on) and just won't leave. I might have to give in . . . to Audioblog.

Because then you could hear me squeal with delight that my vacation has been approved!!! UK readers, beware. I invade your shores in late May. Invitations for drinks gratefully accepted (hint, hint). Details to come . . .


Blogger chimera said...

what, you're not coming to France ?!?

4:07 PM  
Blogger Y said...

Sadly, my US pesos don't permit travel that far this time! You could always come to London Towne for a weekend . . . I hear there will be drinking and dim sum . . .

4:09 PM  
Blogger iggy said...

Dates please! Love the hair btw.

3:46 AM  
Blogger Y said...

igs, I'll make dates "public" when I've bought the tix - tomorrow!!!!!

6:08 AM  

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