Friday, January 06, 2006

Verily, this adulthood thing sucks ass

It's payday! Yeehaw! You know what that means, right?
  • Rent due: paid.
  • Gas bill: paid.
  • Metro card: paid for another 2 weeks.
  • Grocery shopping tonight.

Yep, I'm living the high life now, I tell ya. I will admit to ordering some Gevalia "kaffe" (ain't I so sophisticated?) just to get the pretty free coffeemaker (stainless steel and black) because it matches our new kitchen.

And getting some things for the cats from a pet store online.

And perhaps even to getting a new cell phone with a new plan online. (It was cheap, honest, and I need something better than this crapass pre-paid shit and a cell phone that keeps randomly dialing if it's on in my purse.)

But in my defense, I did not:

  • Order anything from Old Navy, one of my favorite stores ever for cheap clothes that actually fit these former athletic thighs
  • Bid on anything at eBay, even though there are at least 4 vintage things that are really cheap and should belong to me, because nobody else will appreciate them as much
  • Take advantage of the many free shipping offers I got in my e-mail box
  • Buy anything from amazon, even though they have free shipping over $25

Now, tomorrow I'll be doing the aforementioned bra shopping at TJ Maxx (I know, I know, but it's cheap and I need them and I have a $50 gift card, so there), but I promise to stay within the card. Or within $10 of it. Maybe $25 over. And I just might have to stop by Payless Shoes because their fall/winter shoes are super cute, not at all what you expect for such a cheap crappy ghetto shoe store (no, seriously, I can walk to ours), and they're all on sale for, like, $10-20. And on the way home from there is an Army/Navy thrift store that I haven't seen yet, so it won't really hurt to browse just to see what's in there, right? Right? And even if I do happen to buy something, it's okay because it's a) cheap, and b) going to charity, right? Right, that's what I thought.

Hello, my name is Y, and I'm a shopaholic.


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