Tuesday, March 21, 2006

We like muscle relaxers

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Here's the quick rundown:

Saturday: got free futon, probably shouldn't have done any of the lifting. Went to an Ides of March party, an obvious attempt to relive our youths in togas. No, I did NOT dress up. I did, however, drink far too much wine and limoncello. Crashed on the couch of a friend.

Sunday: grocery shopped on the way home. Doing the shopping while hungover/still half drunk isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds. Ran into my landlord while there. That can't be good. I think I may have grunted completely unintelligibly. Got home and discovered someone else's keys in my pocket. Took codeine, ate lots of food, slept.

Monday: felt almost human again. Got to work and realized I forgot to bill any of my time for last week. Decided to do it on Tuesday. Got e-mail circulated to all partygoers about keys. Arranged for return of same.

Tuesday (today): really busy at work. No time to do billing for last week. Met friend to return keys. Felt a tweak in my back on the way home (doc told me this might happen in these weeks). Ate phenomenal steak cooked in butter, took muscle relaxers while cooking, and am about to fade out . . .

Yes, we like muscle relaxers. Far better than wine. No hangover. And no picking up strange keys.


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