Friday, January 13, 2006

Let's all play "Name That Laptop!"

Thanks to the ever tasteful and delightful Julia, I found myself in the middle of some really lovely dreams last night starring Freddie, myself and George Clooney. Seems George was in love with me, but then Freddie came along and swept me off my feet. George was, naturally, very sad, but c'mon, look at Freddie. Can you really blame me? I'll leave the rest of the dreams up to your pervtastic imaginations. Suffice to say I awoke in a very good mood.

Which was very good, considering I went to bed in a very foul mood. I had finally found a copy of Windows 2000, courtesy of Freecycle, and the very nice lady even threw in a real Office 2000 disc with serial numbers. So I went home in a very good, bouncy mood, all ready to play around with the puter some more. (I really should name the poor thing. Maybe it would work better then. I bet it would, it probably is miffed that I just keep calling it "puter". Wouldn't you be? Please deposit ideas for names in comments.) Well, it didn't quite work. I don't know why. I tried twice then gave up. Am. Not. Happy. But, I did have my new cute cell phone so I busied myself putting in all my numbers in the address book, which took quite a bit longer than I thought, which made me feel really good, because it meant I had more friends than I thought. The fact that many people have multiple entries for different locations does not bother me, I'm popular, dammit! Anyway, I brought the puter in to work today and the tech boys are working on it for me. No idea when I'm getting it back, so I figured I'd better post an update since I may not be able to again until Tuesday.

So I'm going to an engagement party tomorrow night. It's a spiffy occasion, cocktail dress, so I get a chance to wear sparkly, pretty things with bling. This is always a good thing for a girlie girl like me. The fact that most of the things I'll be wearing came from cut price stores doesn't bother me because they are SPARKLY! I love sparkly. But I digress. These two friends of mine have gone and gotten themselves engaged, to much amusement of others who know them. They are just perfect for each other, IF they don't drive each other around the bend any more than they do now. She's a bit crazy, and feeds his need for drama. He's a bit of a cad, which gives her the opportunity to go psycho, which feeds his need for drama. See how that works? It's a truly symbiotic dysfunctional relationship. I can almost guarantee you they'll get in a fight. I'd go so far as to lay bets that one of them will end up stomping out. Drama. *sigh* It's almost like having a real-life soap opera right there in front of you.

So why do I go to these things? Well, fresh meat. Maybe there'll be somebody single worth wasting more than 5 minutes talking to. And lately, I'm getting back in the mood where a nice, non-committal fuck buddy would suit my needs just fine. Maybe I'll find one there. In my sparkly pretty things.

Do guys like girls in sparkly pretty things?


Blogger Karen said...

Harold? Matilda?
Mildred? Got to give it an old-timers name....

5:04 PM  
Blogger Y said...

I'm pretty sure it's female. It has to be, it's so temperamental lately what with all my messing around with it.

5:07 PM  

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