Monday, January 09, 2006

The Life of Y

It can never be easy, can it? Finally got a digital camera, a cutie patootie little red one about the size and weight of a credit card, as a gift for Xmas. Only it didn't come with the photo software cd. So I call up the company and they kindly send me one out for free. Great! Receive said cd and set about installing it on home laptop. Fine. Follow instructions to a T, plug camera into USB slot and . . . nothing. It charges, but the photo software can't see the camera. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I've deleted, uninstalled, reinstalled and done it all over again numerous times, and nothing works. Of course, it would be TOO EASY for the company's tech support line to be open on a weekend. Noooo, they're available from 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday. Fucking convenient, eh? Now they're bastards, naturally.

Strangely enough, when I installed the software and hooked up the camera here at work (yes, I'm stealing company internet and time, so fucking what?), it works perfectly. Therefore, I get to play with pictures today, and you get to see a picture of the most annoying, obnoxious, loveable furball ever, Buca, up there on the left, and the most beautiful and timid and funny cat, Shelby, up there on the right.

OK, so that worked. I feel so technically proficient now. (not)

Anyway, in my quest toward semi-adulthood, I actually went and had my eyes examined this morning and got fitted for contacts again. I haven't worn any contacts or eye correction at all in about 3 years because I just couldn't afford it. So it was very nice to go to a young optometrist who is familiar with my particular eye problems (basically, they're fucked) because she has some of them herself. She put me in the same type of contacts that she has, and even gave me a free trial pair that's close enough to my prescription to take with me while they order me my proper prescription free trial pair. Woohoo! I can see again!

Ugh. These pores are out of control - where did these damn craters come from?! Time to massively invest in toner, methinks. See, the problem with seeing again is actually SEEING again. Yuck!

And I'm getting a headache because I'm not used to wearing contacts and reading glasses again, and my eyes keep trying to strain and squint. This should be mucho fun.

Where was I? Oh, yes, the girl (she couldn't have been more than about 25) found me a brand of contacts that will actually fit my astigmatism (they have to be custom made because my eyes are so fucked) and they are 2 week disposables! No cleaning. No rubbing. No enzymes. No heat. And for far less than I used to pay for a year's supply. This is nothing short of amazing.

It's a wonderful life when you're able to afford to see again.


Blogger TessaJ said...

I feel like I should get a digital camera just for blogging! (But you know me and gadgets just don't get along.)

Congrats on the contacts; I got mine a year ago, and after much frustration with my eyeball phobia, I'm loving wearing them.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Y said...

Would you believe I've been wearing contacts for 23 years?! Just be glad you didn't have to wear the kinds we had back then - they were horrendous to get used to.

No eyeball phobia here after sticking my fingers in my eyes all this time. ;)

1:06 PM  
Blogger machiruda said...

Love the cats! :-D

Not too sure if they like the digital camera though, but they look cool nonetheless.

4:29 PM  

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