Monday, July 17, 2006

Just be

I just wanted to thank everyone who has sent me supportive comments, e-mails, etc. I know that things will be okay in the end, but it's just this in between time that is so hard. It eats at me, trying to destroy my soul, and in some small measure it succeeds, but it also fails, because the soul regenerates and those destroyed parts turn into something else, something stronger and less fragile.

One day soon when things have finally turned the corner I will be able to tell the full story. One day when it's over and a new life has begun.

Until then, be good. And if you can't be good, be very, very bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I check here regularly and I hope things turn the corner for you soon.
No cheesy platitudes, just hope life eases up a tad for you Jayne.

10:40 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

Hang in there, Jayne.

Things will get better - it just sucks when its the "working things out" stage.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Thanks for checking in. Hopefully you are starting to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

10:48 AM  

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