Friday, October 27, 2006

It's my Birthday and I'll blog if I want to

Despite the fact that I've only received one birthday card in the mail (and that one not even from the aunt who raised me), that now my washing machine appears to be unplugged so I can't even have crunchy clothes, that my toilet won't stop running, that taking some time off one job and quitting the restaurant has left me in a wee bit of financial trouble again, that I was harassed on my fucking birthday on the bus this morning, that I was over an hour late for work today thanks to Metro (well, not entirely thanks to Metro, but they certainly didn't help), that almost nobody has recognized my birthday, and that I gained back a few pounds that I'd lost . . .

I'm in a pretty damn good mood.

I also have done a lot of thinking in the past few weeks, and I foresee lots of blogging this afternoon. Just thought I'd warn you.

But for now, research calls.

Happy Birthday to Me!


Blogger machiruda said...

Woohoo! Happy birthday :) Hope you'll have a fab weekend - you can worry about everything else on Monday again ;)

1:35 PM  

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