One last post before the end of the first half of the year
Okay, so the title sucks. I always struggle with them. I actually struggle with all my blog posts. Is this a sign that I should give up, or will it come easier with time? It seems like I have all these ideas for posts when I come in, and once I get here they all desert me.
In any case, one good thing about this first half of the year and being almost completely broke the entire time is that I've learned to live really cheaply. Seriously. I can live on $50 a week and that includes transportation to and from work, food for myself, and food and cat litter for the boys. I think that's pretty damned good, if I do say so myself.
I woke up the other morning at 2:30 am from a dream where my beloved cat Buca was dying in my arms. Seriously, I woke up crying and had to go find him to make sure he was still alive. This, of course, resulted in him waking up every day since then to annoy the shit out of me and thus I've had few nights of good sleep since then. I highly doubt tonight will be any different.
Still waiting for the cuz/roomie to arrive with my car so we can change the fake registration sticker. Don't ask. I'll explain tomorrow. Or later tonight if she doesn't get hete soon.